I expected to have good pictures of our tattoos healed to post this article,
but when I saw that the artist who did these marvels had posted the pictures (made same day) on his blog,
I couldn't resist to ask him if I could use them ...
But first, back a few years ago to the London Tattoo Convention in 2007.
We can finally see our favorite tattoo artists at work.
I just hate the crowds and conventions in general (especially when I'm working there...),
but London is really worth it. We could talk to some artists, including Uncle Allan,
which we follow the evolution since a few years.
He was very nice, and we though, since then,
that we'll get tattooed by him as soon as we have specific ideas, and as he would be available.
On September 19, 2009, I offered to Sylvain a "gift for a tattoo by Uncle Allan" envelope
for his 30st birthday. And our friends offered him the flight and stay.
So Sylvain immediately contacted Uncle Allan to make an appointment
.....including myself as well :)
It took 16 long months of waiting to get there.
A couple of days ago,Sylvain and I flew to Copenhagen.
(And god knows if I'm afraid in this stuff ...!) We finally had an appointment for us at Conspiracy Inc.
We passed the day before Sylvain's appointment, to discuss about last details for the designs.
Allan and Amalie, his lovely wife, have been really cheerful. And this place is just amazing.
Victorian antiques and stuffed animals of all kinds come together in the waiting room.
Next day, Sylvain is getting tattooed on the calf (the day after will be my turn).
It's is a workaholic monster who's taking a tea break :) (yyaaaaaay Sylvain will take breaks more often ...?)
But I didn't stay all the time. I don't like to feel the stress going up the before a tattoo,
so I walked in the Copenhagen cold and rain (I've shared photos of my journey on the blog already).
I catched up Sylvain about 10p.m (5h tattoo later) and we're going to eat near the hotel
at the restaurant Gefährlich, the best lamb with mashed potatoes.
A very comforting dish for my sweetheart who really needed it.
And...the next day is my turn on my forearm.
I asked him his version of a picture of my paternal grandfather.
He was an ambidextrous painter and archaeologist as well.
He brought seeds of European roses from his trips.
He has planted them in the garden of my father's childhood in Bagdad.
This is also where my father learned to paint
(I like to think that since then a lot of different kinds of roses are born of this magical place ...)
He made this painting there. Today, I don't know if this garden still exists,
it may have been bombed by the Americans, or destroyed by war....
But this painting, is still alive, and it deserved to be honored in my sight.
And Uncle Allan has done it wonderfully.
The tattoo took about 5 hours. I asked him to add pencils and brushes on the design, and the magic worked:)
During the tattoo, Chris Dettmer also worked in the same room for a while, and then,
Eckel has also tattooed a young English woman.
A handful of talented artists in the same room is pretty impressive ...!
At the end, Amalie gave us 2 sets of print. A very nice gift. We will expose some of them at the shop.
A beautiful journey that will remain "inked" in our minds.
It's is a workaholic monster who's taking a tea break :) (yyaaaaaay Sylvain will take breaks more often ...?)
But I didn't stay all the time. I don't like to feel the stress going up the before a tattoo,
so I walked in the Copenhagen cold and rain (I've shared photos of my journey on the blog already).
I catched up Sylvain about 10p.m (5h tattoo later) and we're going to eat near the hotel
at the restaurant Gefährlich, the best lamb with mashed potatoes.
A very comforting dish for my sweetheart who really needed it.
And...the next day is my turn on my forearm.
I asked him his version of a picture of my paternal grandfather.
He was an ambidextrous painter and archaeologist as well.
He brought seeds of European roses from his trips.
He has planted them in the garden of my father's childhood in Bagdad.
This is also where my father learned to paint
(I like to think that since then a lot of different kinds of roses are born of this magical place ...)
He made this painting there. Today, I don't know if this garden still exists,
it may have been bombed by the Americans, or destroyed by war....
But this painting, is still alive, and it deserved to be honored in my sight.
And Uncle Allan has done it wonderfully.
The tattoo took about 5 hours. I asked him to add pencils and brushes on the design, and the magic worked:)
During the tattoo, Chris Dettmer also worked in the same room for a while, and then,
Eckel has also tattooed a young English woman.
A handful of talented artists in the same room is pretty impressive ...!
At the end, Amalie gave us 2 sets of print. A very nice gift. We will expose some of them at the shop.
A beautiful journey that will remain "inked" in our minds.
J'attendais d'avoir de bonnes photos de nos tattoos cicatrisés pour poster cet article,
mais quand j'ai vu que l'artiste qui nous a tatoué ces merveilles avait posté les photos (faites le jour même)
sur son blog, je n'ai pas pu résister à la tentation de lui demander si pouvais les utiliser...
Mais tout d'abord, retour il y a quelques années en arrière à la convention de Londres en 2007.
Nous pouvons enfin voir nos artistes tatoueurs préférés en plein travail.
J'ai beau détester la foule et les conventions en général (surtout quand j'y travaille...),
celle de Londres en vaut vraiment la peine.
Nous avons pu discuter avec certains artistes dont Uncle Allan,
dont on suit l'évolution depuis quelques années en arrière.
Nous l'avions trouvé super sympa, et on s'était dit, depuis,
qu'on irait se faire tatouer par lui dès qu'on aurait des idées précises, et qu'il aurait de la place.
Le 19 septembre 2009, j'offrais à Sylvain une enveloppe "bon pour un tattoo par Uncle Allan" pour ses 30 ans.
Et nos amis se sont cotisés pour le trajet et le séjour.
Sur quoi, Sylvain a immédiatement contacté Uncle Allan pour prendre rendez-vous
.....en m'incluant également :)
Il a fallu 16 longs mois d'attente pour y arriver.
Il y a une quinzaine de jour
Sylvain et moi avons pris l'avion pour Copenhague.
(et dieu sait si j'ai peur dans ce truc...!)
Nous avions enfin rendez vous à Conspiracy inc pour nous faire tatouer.
Nous sommes passés le jour précédent le tattoo de Sylvain, pour faire le point niveau dessin.
L'accueil de Allan et Amalie, sa charmante épouse a été très chaleureux.
Et ce lieu, est juste mythique.
Antiquités victoriennes et animaux empaillés en tous genre se côtoient dans la salle d'attente.
Le lendemain, Sylvain se fait tatouer le mollet (le jour suivant sera mon tour).
C'est un monstre workaholic qui prend une pause tea :) (ouiiii Sylvain va prendre des pauses plus souvent...?)
Mais je ne reste pas tout du long. je n'aime pas sentir monter le stress la veille d'un tattoo,
alors, je me suis promenée dans le froid et la pluie de Copenhague
(j'ai déjà partagé des photos de ces balades sur le blog).
Je récupère Sylvain vers 22h00 (5h de tattoo plus tard) et nous allons manger près de l'hotel à Gefährlich,
le meilleur agneau avec une purée de pomme de terre.
Un plat bien réconfortant pour mon amoureux qui en avait vraiment besoin.
Le lendemain, c'est mon tour sur l'avant bras,
je lui avait demandé sa version d'un tableau de mon grand père paternel.
Il était peintre ambidextre et archéologue également.
Il a ramené des graines de roses Européennes de ces voyages.
Il en a planté dans le jardin de l'enfance de mon père à Bagdad.
C'est aussi là que mon père a appris à peindre
(j'aime penser que depuis, plein de sortes de roses différentes sont nées de ce lieu magique...)
Il les a peintes là bas. Aujourd'hui, je ne sais pas si ce jardin existe encore,
il a peut être été bombardé par les Américains, détruit par la guerre.
Cette peinture, elle, est vivante, et elle méritait d'être honorée à mes yeux.
Et Uncle Allan l'a fait merveilleusement.
Le tattoo a duré environ 5h. je lui ai demandé d'ajouter crayons et pinceaux ou bon lui semblait,
et la magie a opéré :) Pendant le tattoo, Chris Dettmer travaillait également un petit moment dans la même pièce,
et puis, Eckel aussi a tatoué une jeune femme anglaise.
Une poignée d'artistes doués dans la même pièce, c'est assez impressionnant...!
A la fin de la séance, Amalie nous a offert 2 sets de print. Un très joli cadeau.
Nous allons en exposer quelques uns au shop.
Un très beau voyage qui restera "encré" .
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