Guess who went to Lyon on Thursday to see Apocalyptica again...? And Guess who had a VIP ticket...?
This subject is for anyone who's interested by Apocalyptica...
but it's especially for Apo fans, (those I met, but the others as well).
As you already know since last post in April, my mom is a violinist, I play the violin,
so...Apocalyptica is the perfect musical chemistry for me... I am a big fan since more than ten years.
You can laugh about it, I don't give a shit!
This subject is for anyone who's interested by Apocalyptica...
but it's especially for Apo fans, (those I met, but the others as well).
As you already know since last post in April, my mom is a violinist, I play the violin,
so...Apocalyptica is the perfect musical chemistry for me... I am a big fan since more than ten years.
You can laugh about it, I don't give a shit!
I saw them live for the first time in Lausanne this year,
so I couldn't just stay home as I knew they were performing in Lyon.
so I couldn't just stay home as I knew they were performing in Lyon.
With the VIP ticket, me, Olivia (without her no pictures at all, she took almost all of them!I took maybe only ten
I was too much emotional) and about twenty other fans could meet and greet them before the show.
That was a great moment: they are very nice, friendly and they try to spend the same time with each fan.
My legs were shaking, but I could talk to them and ask them autographs.
So after that, we had the best spot because we were on the concert hall before the doors opened.
Then it became very crowded (and God knows how I hate the crowd) but the show was amazing...I was too much emotional) and about twenty other fans could meet and greet them before the show.
That was a great moment: they are very nice, friendly and they try to spend the same time with each fan.
My legs were shaking, but I could talk to them and ask them autographs.
So after that, we had the best spot because we were on the concert hall before the doors opened.
As always, powerfull, generous, perfect technique, beautiful, funny....
There was a real connection between them and the public....
I'm not impartial, so don't ask me for an objective review!
Some of us waited also after the show to say them goodbye.
They took the time to sign autographs, to take pictures, to talk...
Again, thanks to these lords for sharing so much talent....
Devinez qui s'est rendu à Lyon jeudi pour voir une fois de plus Apocalyptica ...?
Et devinez qui avait un billet VIP ...? Ce sujet est pour quiconque intéressé par Apocalyptica ...
mais c'est surtout pour les fans de Apo, (ceux que j'ai rencontrés, mais les autres aussi).
Comme vous le savez déjà depuis le dernier post en avril, ma maman est violoniste,
je joue également un peu du violon.
Apocalyptica est la chimie musicale parfaite pour moi...je suis une grande fan depuis plus de dix années.
Vous pouvez en rire, je m'en fous royalement!
Je les ai vus en live pour la première fois à Lausanne cette année,
donc je ne pouvais pas rester à la maison sachant qu'ils jouaient à Lyon.
Avec le billet VIP, moi, Olivia (sans elle pas de photos du tout, elle les a presque toutes prises!
j'en ai pris peut-être dix seulement,l'émotion...)
et une vingtaine d'autres fans avons pu les rencontrer et les saluer avant le show.
Un grand moment: ils sont très gentils, amicaux et ils essaient de passer le même temps avec chaque fan.
Mes jambes tremblaient, mais j'ai réussi à leur parler et leur demander des autographes.
Donc, après cela, nous avons eu les meilleures places,
vu que nous étions dans la salle de concert avant l'ouverture des portes.
Ensuite, il y a eu foule, bousculades (et Dieu sait combien je déteste la foule), mais le show a été incroyable ...
Comme toujours, puissance, générositsé, justesse, technique de fou, fun ....
Il y avait une réelle symbiose entre eux et le public ....
Je ne suis pas impartiale, il ne faut pas me demander un avis objectif!
Encore une fois, merci à ces seigneurs de nous faire partager autant de talent .... <3
the guys

Have a nice day!
Love ;)
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